So what's keeping Roger?

5 años 6 meses antes - 5 años 6 meses antes #25643 por Another Womans Man
Hey everyone,

This is something I've wondered for a very long time. If Roger is at the peak of his game, why does he not record an album? Surely he has some compositions that are sitting around that he'd love to share with the world?

I secretly have a theory that the reason he hasn't released anything is because there's no concurrent Supertramp album to compete with since they always seemed to release albums around each other. (I.E. Brother Where You Bound versus Eye of the Storm, Free as A Bird versus Hai Hai) This probably isn't true, but it would be funny if it was.

But yeah, I'd really love some material from my favorite artist. I'd buy anything that either Roger or Supertramp adds to the market.
Última Edición: 5 años 6 meses antes por Another Womans Man.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Supercarlos

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5 años 6 meses antes #25649 por ax_esi
Respuesta de ax_esi sobre el tema So what's keeping Roger?
I'm afraid the reason why he doesn't reveal these so-called 80 or 90 songs he has in the "store" is because they're not good enough, or at least, he doesn't believe in "them" as he should.

But not all bad. Al least, it can be interpreted as a self exercise of responsibility and honesty with his legacy.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Supercarlos

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5 años 6 meses antes #25653 por Another Womans Man
Respuesta de Another Womans Man sobre el tema So what's keeping Roger?
I can definitely respect that even if it is sad to hear from a fan's perspective. Makes me think of Prince with his vault. I wonder if Roger would ever be more down to do an archive collection rather than an actual album release. That would take the pressure off him to make a masterpiece while at the same time pleasing hungry fans.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Supercarlos

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